Kai M. Hung


Welcome! I study CS and Stats at Rice University. Broadly, I am interested in statistical learning, networks, computational optimal transport (OT), and formal methods to ensure reliability of machine learning systems embedded within our society.

Currently, I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. César A. Uribe and Dr. Lydia Beaudrot to work on graph OT towards food web analysis.

Previously, I worked on OT-driven variability reduction and ML fairness with Dr. Esteban G. Tabak at NYU Courant. At Berkeley AI Research, I worked on contrasting RL and human goal-seeking under Dr. Alison Gopnik. Even earlier at MD Anderson Cancer Center, I worked with Dr. Jagan Sastry on statistical modeling in service of immunotherapy treatments.

For underclassmen, early researchers, FGLI, or URM students

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you want to talk about getting involved in research (esp. ML). I am very happy to sit down at Chaus and scope out a plan for finding a research group to join with you!

Acknowledgements: I am a lousy web developer and an even worse photographer. I owe much gratitude to Shreyas for helping me out with random kinks on this website. A big shoutout to my future comedy partner, Siba, for this sharp photo from the Eiffel tower! Lastly, check out al-folio for the stylish website template.

Last updated Jun 25th, 2024.